Jeremy Turner


Festival Dancer with Gana

Festival Dancer with Gana

Decorative column derived from stone relief carved patterns seen at the Jami Masjid Mosque, Champaner-Pava Gadh, Gujarat. A Gana is a dwarf attendant, often seen in Indian sculpture. Drawing made 15 April 2019.

Charcoal, ink, crayon on paper
42cm x 29.5cm

I am reflecting on my own sexual predilections, my 'Male Gaze', relating the use of erotic art as an expression of the spiritual to my own enjoyment of pornography, and exploring the fuzzy, mucky, grey area between. Still untying the knots conditioning me that sex is naughty. These drawings help me analyse all this stuff, and to accept that that is how I am.
Yakshini with Trees in Leaf

Yakshini with Trees in Leaf

A Yakshini is a nature spirit, a female deity with a reputation for making trees spring into flower with a tap of her foot. This is my attempt at copying a typical carved figure seen at the Sun Temple, Modhera, Gujarat. Drawn on yellow packing paper, 1 December 2019

Charcoal on Paper
56cm x 36cm

That Whole Kutch Thing!

That Whole Kutch Thing!

Combined elements derived from several places. Seen here and there while working at the Global Art Festival, Rann of Kutch, Gujarat. 7 November 2019.

charcoal and pastel on brown paper
51cm x 45cm

Yakshini with Flowering Tree

Yakshini with Flowering Tree

Yakshini are female earth spirits, considered as symbols of fertility in Hindu, Buddhist and Jain faiths. Voluptuous in form, they are able to cause trees to bear fruit just by touching them with their feet. 2 April 2020.

charcoal and ink on paper
38cm x 28cm

The Keepers of the Holy Fruit

The Keepers of the Holy Fruit

The main element, supporting the bowl of fruit, is from a small stone relief detail on the Jami Masjid Mosque; the sun wheel is from a gateway in Kutch. The birds are kites, abundant at the Ahmedabad Kite Festival where they flew lazily around the kites on strings.

ink and wash on paper
49cm x 36cm

Holy Maiden Goddess of the Flowers and Fruit

Holy Maiden Goddess of the Flowers and Fruit

An apotheosis celebrating and venerating the erotic beauty of women.

ink and watercolour on paper
48cm x 36cm

The Blue Venus with Monkeys attending

The Blue Venus with Monkeys attending

I was researching alternative received notions of female beauty, checked out the Venus of Willendorf, then found this one, another figure from ancient Europe.

ink, watercolour and acrylic on paper
48cm x 36cm

The Queen of the May

The Queen of the May

Celebrating the month of May and the opening of Summer with a nubile young woman.
4 May 2020.

ink and watercolour on paper
48cm x 36cm

The Woman who Came to See me from the Museum in Bhuj, 2

The Woman who Came to See me from the Museum in Bhuj, 2

A final summation of all my thoughts about female beauty and desire. This is the last of the series, for now.
13 May 2020.

Charcoal on Paper
48cm x 36cm

Elemental Force of Nature No2

Elemental Force of Nature No2

Drawn entirely with graphite pencil. This is the force of nature made visible through human female beauty.

graphite pencil
48cm x 33cm

£400.00 Framed
The Robin sings amidst the Thorns at Dusk

The Robin sings amidst the Thorns at Dusk

There is a touch of melancholy and regret here as blossoms turn to fruit and the seasons move on.

charcoal, ink, pastel
48cm x 33cm

£400.00 Framed
Elemental Force of Nature No6

Elemental Force of Nature No6

This nubile woman stands amidst the inexorable bursting fruitfulness of nature.

ink, pastel, watercolour
49cm x 34cm

£400.00 Framed
The Green Rose of Love, version 2

The Green Rose of Love, version 2

Slightly different drawing of the face, different candle stick, but still with autumn leaves and rose hops.

charcoal, ink, crayon
48cm x 33cm

Second version using the sideview portrait
The Green Rose of Love, variation, No 4

The Green Rose of Love, variation, No 4

Discarding the profile portrait looking in, I tried out the idea of using funerary urns which will carry a portrait on the side of the pot and emit the flame. The ripened wheat ears add a rich warm autumn. The archbishop's mitre look is unfortunate and unintentional.

charcoal, ink, pastel, crayon
48cm x 33cm

The final version of The Green Rose of Love: Holy Ground

The final version of The Green Rose of Love: Holy Ground

Focussing on "the ground is holy" last line I arrived at the altar on which stands the flame emitting glass oil lamp carrying this woman's portrait. The everlasting sun above pinnacles the story in eternity.

ink, charcoal, pastel
48cm x 33cm

Small Blue Mermaid

Small Blue Mermaid

A second version of the Blue Mermaid which I have sold, still carrying the souls of the dead to the underworld, but less menacing, more friendly, and maybe prettier!
Carved from cedar, painted with water colour, finished with spirit varnish and beeswax.

21cm x 30cm x 5cm

In the process of developing ideas for a "mermaid" commission I have several pages of sketchbook research on mermaids. Seeing the pew-end carving of the mermaid in Zennor Church was seminal and reference to M.W.Tisdall's "God's Beasts" suggests that mermaids are evil creatures and that the fish in each hand are Christians who have met an unfortunate fate in the hands of the Evil One, or have been lured away from the straight and narrow path. I wish to convey a more benign creature without evil intentions. If sometimes they appear menacing that is because they are doing their job assisting the dead into the underworld.
Talk to Me

Talk to Me

Carved relief panel. Continuing the theme of lonely
bus stops. Painted Quebec yellow Pine

44cm x 30cm x 4cm

Continues the theme of lonely bus stops, alluding to the advertising panel common on the side of them. How did the fish get there ?
War & Conflict - Nakba - Catastrophe

War & Conflict - Nakba - Catastrophe

Fourth in a series of large carved relief roundel wall-pieces. Focussing on our use of oil which powers climate change and fuels and engenders conflicts. Carved and painted redwood and Canadian yellow pine.

102cm x 102cm x 5cm

As well as using carved wood relief to make studies of natural forms and play with light and shade, texture, pattern and colour, I also use it to make comment on, and deplore, celebrate, support and criticise the situations humans create on this planet.
Bouche Moi

Bouche Moi

Carved and assembled wall piece. Evoking sensual pleasure, attraction and threat, menace and confusion.

various woods
53cm x 72cm x 10cm

Though in the sketch it looked angry and menacing, in the final piece the colouring I have used has made it a more playful thing. I make connections between erotic glimpses of the female form, car body components, cosmetic bottles, and lipsticks that look more like bullets.
Car Woman

Car Woman

Carved relief panel. Derived from a collage of cuttings from fashion magazines and car adverts.
Painted lime wood

60cm x 43cm x 3cm

A carved relief panel derived from a collage of magazine cuttings. The composition aims at creating an ambience of sensual power and maybe alludes derisively to the content of 'lad mags'. At the same time I have had fun creating a variety of rhythmic shapes and textures.
Full Metal Bouquet

Full Metal Bouquet

Wood relief carved panel
Painted cedar wood

100cm x 40cm x 3cm

A conjunction of images that sets up a clash between a sensual enjoyment of shape, pattern and colour and the threatening inference I might be indicating. The title borrows from "Full Metal Jacket"
Gucci Goody

Gucci Goody

carved wood relief
painted beech wood

15cm x 42cm x 5cm

Stealing a page from a glossy magazine, I have cut away the desirable expensive watch face and inserted a desirable erotic goody instead. Another treatment on the theme of aspirational marketing and male desire.
Once upon a Time

Once upon a Time

carved wood relief
painted cedar wood

55cm x 26cm x 5cm

Stealing an expensive wristwatch ad. from a magazine and inserting a cutting from another magazine. The watch face, like a picture frame, isolates and allows me to set up new resonances from a borrowed image. The carving process changes the original image too as my eye and hand get to work on it. Many a fairy tale begins this way.
Tornado Woman

Tornado Woman

relief carved assemblage
painted Horsechestnut wood

110cm x 650cm x 5cm

In this piece I am enjoying the sculptural forms, rhythms, patterns and textures of these objects. But what am I saying? There's the conjoining or the mismatch of the two elements; the sensual languid car-woman is crowned with the sharp pointed warplane exposing all its underbelly parts. Does this speak harmony or discord?
Too Late

Too Late

This piece grew as I went along. Starting with the profile face and crow I added the run over rabbit which I saw one morning cycling to my workshop. "Too late" refers to the regret and pain felt at the end of a relationship with someone.

carved and assembled wood relief panel
99cm x 70cm

Red Foliate Car

Red Foliate Car

Carved wood relief assemblage made for my White Wall Exhibition, the centreMK, Milton Keynes, 2007

51cm x 74cm x 5cm

We Can't Live on Mars

We Can't Live on Mars

The third in a continuing series of circular relief carved wall-pieces. The title for this one came from a hand drawn placard seen during the People's Climate March that took place in London in September 2013.

86cm x 86cm x 5.5cm

The text is the key to this piece. I borrowed it from a hand drawn placard seen on the People's Climate March in London in September 2014. I celebrate the shapes and colours of leaves and flowers, the geometry and number in flowers and car wheels, and highlight a shared concern for the fragility of the planet we do live on. The butterfly carving is derived from a Comma butterfly I photographed last September.
Two Birds and Volcano

Two Birds and Volcano

Carved wood relief on pear wood, painted with watercolour, then later, with oil paint. Made 1993.

25cm x 46cm x 2.5cm

This carving grew from a sketch drawn on brown wrapping paper with crows, my totem bird, and a volcano, recently visited in Mexico [1990]. The carved text is meant to be wonky as if the whole panel is a piece of graffiti.
The Woman from the Museum No 2

The Woman from the Museum No 2

The second version of Woman from the Museum. Continuing my exploration and exposition on the themes of Goddess. Yakshini Nature Spirit, and Elemental Force of Nature. Made from sycamore, utile, lime and larch. Painted with watercolour, finished with acrylic varnish and beeswax polish. Completed January 2024.

Carved wood relief
128cm x 61cm x 5cm

Welcome to the Surgical Directorate, Southampton General Hos

Welcome to the Surgical Directorate, Southampton General Hos

Signage for the Entrance to the Surgical Directorate, 'E' Level, Southampton General Hospital. Carved relief with raised lettering on sycamore. Painted with watercolour and sealed.

60cm x 250cm x 4cm
The Littleport Town Sign

The Littleport Town Sign

The new Town Sign for Littleport, Cambridgeshire. Commissioned by East Cambridgeshire District Council.
Relief carved and painted oak panels in oak carcase.

250cm x 71cm x 38cm
Financed by European Regional Development Fund and East of England Development Agency. Joinery assistance from David Woodnutt.
The Four Post Bench

The Four Post Bench

The Four Post Bench was made for Woburn Safari Park. Situated in the 'Australian Walkabout' enclosure. Carved on green oak supplied from trees felled in Woburn Park. Painted with acrylic colour.

170cm x 194cm x 50cm
The Belles in the Wood, Site Three of the Westbury Village H

The Belles in the Wood, Site Three of the Westbury Village H

The left hand panel depicts the legend of the Westbury Wilds. One Christmas two ladies became lost in the "Wilds". They were led to safety by the sound of the church bells. In gratitude they bought the woodland for the benefit of the poor of Westbury.

carved oak
This piece was commissioned as part of the Westbury 2000 Village History Millennium project supported by Southern Arts.
The Hook Norton Panels

The Hook Norton Panels

Commissioned for the new school in Hook Norton Oxfordshire, funded by Oxford County Council as a Per Cent for Art project, and installed in 1992. I spent several months researching local history and the industrial archaeology of the area, visiting and interviewing local people and businesses, and holding drawing sessions with the children of the school. The piece comprises five separate panels held in place by the carved, decorative framing. Carved from lime, it is painted with watercolour with a varnish finish.

122cm x 305cm x 5cm
This was one of the first major commissions of my woodcarving career. As with other Public Art commissions I have carried out, there was a long incubation period during which I gathered my visual reference material, took many photographs, filled a sketchbook, and made lots of drawings, arriving at a full-size cartoon which I used to produce the carved panels. Altogether I spent about a year making this piece. Installed 1992, photographed again 23 June 2015.
What Mum and Dad do for a Living, The Hook Norton Panels

What Mum and Dad do for a Living, The Hook Norton Panels

I asked the children at the school to draw me pictures describing what their Mums and Dads did for a living. This detail amalgamates two of them with a reference to the siege of Sarajevo which was going on at the time.

The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art Trail, Milton Keynes

The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art Trail, Milton Keynes

Situated by the Grand Union Canal, Milton Keynes, The bench structure echoes the curves of Japanese Temple grooves and the relief carvings refer to the common wildlife of the canal including the micro-life present underwater - the larvae, floral algae, the hydra, and amoebae. The Japanese characters read, from right to left,"Welcome, Relax, Contemplate". This is the view of the back of the bench.

2 x 2 x 0.4
I was commissioned to build this Three Post Bench by Great Linford Parish Council, Milton Keynes. It is one of several artworks adorning the recently opened Gyosei Art Trail. The Trail is named after the Gyosei Japanese International School, now demolished, and the developers of the site have provided the funding for the commissioned works.
The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art Trail, Milton Keynes

The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art Trail, Milton Keynes

A view of the bench from the canal bank. The terrace and embankment was built after the bench was installed and will eventually become grass grown.

2 x 2 x 0.4
This commission enabled me to think big. After I had submitted my initial design I began to get a bit more adventurous. Instead of ordering straight sawn timber, why don't I ask Steve at the sawmill to make me some bendy oak planks. He duly obliged by sawing up some bendy logs which he had possibly been waiting some time to find a customer for.
The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art trail, Milton Keynes

The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art trail, Milton Keynes

View of the bench with narrowboat travelling south down the canal

2 x 2 x 0.4
Public art commissions enable me to make sculptural furniture that is both a functional object as well as a work of art. While the bench is robustly built, I accept that it is the nature of the material it is made of that it weathers, changes, decays.
The Swan Pond Dipping Bench, Foxton Locks, Market Harborough

The Swan Pond Dipping Bench, Foxton Locks, Market Harborough

Commissioned by The Canal & River Trust, this was designed for children to use during pond-dipping visits to the canal.

132cm x 211cm
I am well practised at combining a playful, sculptural practice with a practical approach to creating functional furniture. The Pond Dipping Bench gave me the opportunity make interesting relief carvings of the micro life of rivers and canals while challenging my woodworking skills to make a robust, enduring piece for this site by the Upper Arm of the canal at Foxton Locks, Leicestershire.
Amazona Cottage

Amazona Cottage

House Sign. Relief carved on elm with incised lettering. Painted and varnished

43cm x 30cm x 2.5cm
The person who commissioned this piece was an enthusiastic keeper of exotic birds, specializing in amazonas.
Rose Cottage, House Sign

Rose Cottage, House Sign

House sign carved in relief on oak. Finished with linseed oil.

51cm x 26cm x 3cm
Designed to client's choice of subject matter and her requirement that it fitted on the cottage porch.
Night and Day

Night and Day

Commissioned as a headboard for a double bed.
Carved in low relief on sycamore and painted with water colour.

106cm x 198cm x 3.8cm
My clients specified the theme and took an active part in the selection of imagery and in the overall design. Several exchanges of sketches by post and conferences with scissors and paste took place at their dining room table before the design was finalised.
Day Lilies, Bed Headboard

Day Lilies, Bed Headboard

Headboard for double bed. Carved in low relief on first quality pine. Design for the carved panel based on drawings made in the clients' garden.

65cm x 127cm x 3cm
My clients invited me to make drawings in their garden, particularly of the flowering day lilies, the fruiting strawberries, and the frogs in their pond. As well as carving the headboard I also made the whole bed.
Mermaid, looking left

Mermaid, looking left

The left hand carved Mermaid Mantle Shelf Support, made for David Campbell

24cm x 15cm x 12cm


Commemorating a much loved dog, this was commissioned as a house sign to be fixed to a stone wall. It required considerable reference to photographs to get the dog's particular character. The leaves and fungi in the carving indicate the rural setting of the house. The leaves of the mountain ash, or rowan, allude to the dog's name. The panel is carved in oak, painted with acrylic colours and finished with exterior acrylic varnish.

33.5cm x 54cm x 4cm
When commissioned to make a carved house sign, a headboard or any special piece I pay attention to the client's particular wishes and invite them to contribute ideas and collaborate with the design. As the project develops and progresses I send emails with photos of sketches, drawings and work in progress.
Lower Kingstree

Lower Kingstree

Relief carved sign with raised lettering. Painted with acrylic colours and finished with two coats waterproof and UV resistant acrylic varnish

13" x 25" x 1.5"
My customer who commissioned this piece was particular about what he wanted this sign to include. I sent drawings and he commented until we arrived at a mutually agreed design.
Frogs and Roses

Frogs and Roses

This commissioned piece required a design for a relief carving with frogs and roses as main subjects. This needed some study of roses, of all varieties, and research into frogs. After limited internet results and an unsatisfactory visit to the Natural History Museum I was privileged to be shown round the Urban Farm in Wolverton, Milton Keynes, where I was able to photograph several handsome frogs, lurking under planks and logs. I am now quite proficient at carving frogs and roses!

22" x 15" x 1.5"
I do a lot of relief carving using natural forms such as flowers, and birds as visual reference as well as the forms of cars, jet planes and all the material goods of our daily lives.


House sign made for the home of the client's mother; to replace the old one made by her father who had recently died. The imagery was finally her mother's choice, although the sketches used visual reference that her father might have preferred.

20cm x 81cm
House signs, with the client's permission, can be vehicles for playful use of relief carved imagery while serving their descriptive function. This one is carved on oak and finished with Garden Furniture Oil
Precious Objects

Precious Objects

A Change Maker commission for Northampton Museum. Made in collaboration with members of Northamptonshire Association for the Blind. Installed 7 July 2011 in the Ceramics Gallery

wood, copper sheet, fabric, aluminium foil
52cm x 43.5cm x 42cm
As Northampton Museum commissioned this project, I inevitably got involved with shoes. When I first met with members of the Northamptonshire Association for the Blind at the Museum we were shown a selection of shoes from different historical periods as well as several other objects from the collection. We were able to handle and feel these objects. I became interested in the variety of materials combined in these shoes and objects and the different methods used to join them together. The NAB members made things of their own and contributed their ideas to the piece I made.
Precious Objects

Precious Objects

Another view of this piece

wood, aluminium foil, embroidered textiles
Another view of this piece which I made for Northampton Museum in collaboration with members of Northamptonshire Association for the Blind.
Precious Objects

Precious Objects

With two members of the Northamptonshire Association for the Blind at installation celebration in Northampton Museum, 7 July 2011

Detail The New Picnic Bench, Bourton Park, Buckingham

Detail The New Picnic Bench, Bourton Park, Buckingham

Some of the details were designed by people who dropped in to learn how and help, others I designed myself. The carving of all of them was begun by people having a go, while I did most of the completing to a finished standard.

The BAB Totem Poles at Inter-Action, Milton Keynes

The BAB Totem Poles at Inter-Action, Milton Keynes

Designed, carved and painted at Inter-Action by members of the Bucks Association for the Blind and Partially Sighted. I provided the freshly cut green oak logs and helped with the roughing out and final trimming.

300cm x 25cm
During March and April 2007 I worked with some members of the Bucks Association for the Blind and Partially Sighted. Not only was I introducing woodcarving skills to beginners, which I do regularly, I also had to accommodate how I did this to each person's varying level of sight. Most had some degree of sight and worked very ably, a couple of people were totally blind and did what they could with great courage and patience. While I provided the timber and tools, the design and most of the hard work was done by the group. I roughed out the carving with an Arbortech disc cutter and helped with the final trimming.
Detail of one BAB Totem Pole

Detail of one BAB Totem Pole

The Totem Poles were painted with water-based acrylic paint and finished with acrylic varnish

Although these particular Totem Poles are not for sale, I am open to invitations to make some Totem Poles to commission.
BAB members start roughing out the Totem Pole carving

BAB members start roughing out the Totem Pole carving

The design was marked out with black paint in clear outlines which would be easy to follow with V tool and mallet.

The New Front Door, 27A Access Artspace, Leicester

The New Front Door, 27A Access Artspace, Leicester

Another view of the door as it opens into the Artspace. After painting, the panels were sealed with white polish. After assembly the whole door was finished with exterior varnish.

The New Front Door : panel by Wayne

The New Front Door : panel by Wayne

A skilled carpenter before he went blind with diabetes, Wayne pressed his favourite objects into a clay base from which a plaster cast was taken. This was then photocopied, the shapes cut out and made into plywood templates. He was able to user a router to remove the background around the shapes and was helped a lot by sighted workers to complete the piece.

Wild Rose

Wild Rose

Wild Rose otherwise known as Dog Rose. Another 8" x 4" x 1" relief panel. On lime, painted and varnished like the others in the series.

20cm x 10cm



This is my latest version of the Periwinkle panel, made December 2016, based on one of my earliest sketches. It's carved on Horse Chestnut, an awkward wood to carve, somewhere between lime and sycamore. As usual, painted with watercolour and finished with acrylic varnish and wax polish.

20cm x 10cm x 2cm

Wild Arum

Wild Arum

Another in the series of 8" x 4" x 1" carved relief panels of plants and flowers. This one is carved on lime, painted and varnished in the same way as the others.

20cm x 10cm

This piece is one of as continuing series. If the one shown on this website is no longer available I make another. While based on the same original drawing each carving will be slightly different and therefore unique. Visitors to my website may also wish to commission me to carve a plant or flower I haven't yet done.
Dandelion with two buds

Dandelion with two buds

The second of two Dandelion Flower relief carvings. This has the flower with two buds. Painted with watercolour, finished with acrylic varnish and beeswax.

20cm x 10cm

Common Mallow, No 3

Common Mallow, No 3

Similar to the other Common Mallow pieces shown here, but instead of being painted this one is in its natural state because it is carved in oak, finished with tung oil.

carved oak
20cm x 10cm

Leaping Fish

Leaping Fish

Relief carving on horse chestnut made in January 2004, painted with watercolour, finished with acrylic varnish and beeswax.

18cm x 38cm

The Cliveden Urn with Swan

The Cliveden Urn with Swan

On a visit to Cliveden while I was researching visual reference for the Buckinghamshire Clock which I made in 2000 I sketched one of the enormous plinth mounted terracotta Urns that adorn the garden. The Swan, being the emblem of the county, was naturally included.Though I made this piece some years ago it's time I showed it here.

carved oak relief panel
40cm x 18cm

While I paint a lot of my wood carvings, occasionally I give a natural finish to the piece. I am using up a bottle of Tung Oil currently: I love its nutty smell and the hard, satin finish it gives. My sketchbooks with drawings gathered in support of bigger projects offer many little jewels that make smaller pieces like this.
Water Boatman

Water Boatman

Carving of an aquatic insect. The wood is possibly African Walnut, which is not a true walnut. The grain of the wood is very noticeably interlocked. Finished with Tung oil and beeswax polish.

21cm x 15cm

Carved from another drawing derived from an illustration in a volume of an 1896 edition of the Royal Natural History.


Carved and assembled wall piece, made from sycamore and ash. The straw bale pyramid, and, below it, the swan, half timbered wall pattern, and Chiltern watercress are all elements made from sketches collected for inclusion in "The Buckinghamshire Clock", installed in the County Museum, Aylesbury. Painted in watercolour, finished with acrylic varnish.

75cm x 29cm x 4cm

This piece was made from designs and sketches I gathered when creating the Buckinghamshire Clock in the County Museum, Aylesbury, installed 2000. The top element, carved from sycamore, is a pyramid of cylindrical hay/straw bales, the lower element, carved in ash, comprises a swan, the county mascot, standing above a bit of the half-timbered wall of Woburn Sands Railway Station. Below this the piece ends with a tail of watercress, referencing the chalk streams of the Chilterns.
Jacobean Chest detail

Jacobean Chest detail

My interpretation of a detail of the relief carved front panel of an inherited Jacobean blanket chest which I keep in my bedroom. Devised as an exercise in the Jacobean relief carving style for my woodcarving students this is the tutor's example. It is carved on oak, finished with linseed oil and beeswax polish.

21.5cm x 14.5cm x 2.5cm

Red Roach Fish Dish

Red Roach Fish Dish

Carved from various woods, in a variety of colours, these fish dishes are painted with watercolour and finished with waterproof acrylic varnish.

carved & painted ash
29cm x 13.2cm

I always have fish dishes, leaf dishes, and various other shape dishes and vessels in preparation. I have a card template for each shape and size so that I can repeat the design, producing one at a time or several in a batch, always in a variety of colours.
Red Leaping Roach Fish Dish

Red Leaping Roach Fish Dish

Wooden dish carved from one inch thick ash, painted with watercolour, sealed with exterior acrylic varnish. A decorative functional dish.

15.3cm x 30cm

I make carved woodware using various woods: sycamore, lime, beech, cherry, cedar are good for items which I paint after carving. Oak is good for items which are left natural, orhave an oil and wax finish.
Fruity Jazz plate in sycamore

Fruity Jazz plate in sycamore

The relief carved design on this turned plate is derived from the design on the lid of an early 20th century washboiler seen in Poole Museum. The colours were inspired by a visit to Indian dress shops in Leicester.

turned and relief carved plate in sycamore
33cm x 33cm

In February 1997 I was invited to take part in an exhibition called "Inspirations" at Poole Museum. The artists involved were asked to look at, and be inspired by, the museum's collection of domestic objects. I was particularly attracted to the "Blackpool" gas fired wash boiler made by Richmonds Ltd, c.1920-40. The carved design I have applied to my turned plate was derived directly from the pattern on the cast aluminium lid of this appliance.
Medium Leaf Dish, green and turquoise

Medium Leaf Dish, green and turquoise

Carved from ash. Painted with water colour, finished with waterproof acrylic varnish.
Dimensions: L:31 x W:15.5 x D:2.5 cms.

carved ash
31cm x 15.5cm

I base the design of my dishes and bowls on the shapes of natural forms, especially those that lend themselves to being turned into functional objects. The stalk of a leaf and the tail of a fish can both become the handle you pick up the dish by. As with all my wood ware, the stock changes all the time as I sell these items. If I don't have the piece you see here because I've sold it, I can always make you another and you can specify the wood used and the colours you prefer.
Small Leaf Dish

Small Leaf Dish

Carved from a piece of ash 2.5 cm/ 1 inch thick.Treated with Danish Oil and finished with beeswax polish.

25.5cm x 12cm

Small Leaf Dish, in blue and green

Small Leaf Dish, in blue and green

Carved from cedar 2.5 cm/ 1 inch thick. Painted with water colour, sealed with waterproof acrylic varnish, and finished with beeswax polish.

25.5cm x 12cm

Another example of small batch carved wood ware items
Two Oak Leaf Dishes, yellow & green, red & green

Two Oak Leaf Dishes, yellow & green, red & green

Carved from oak, naturally. From a piece 3 cm / 1 1/8 inch thick. Photographed as a pair but sold separately - or together. Painted with watercolour, sealed with waterproof acrylic varnish and beeswax polish. Available in other colours, too, or no colour at all, just treated with oil and wax.

28.5cm x 16.5cm

A new shape added to my collection of dishes.
Ivy Leaf Dish

Ivy Leaf Dish

Ivy leaf shaped dish, about 1" thick, carved from ash, painted yellow and green with watercolour, finished with water resistant, hard wearing acrylic varnish. A functional, decorative object.

carved & painted ash
20cm x 29cm

Stickleback Fish Dish, turquoise blue

Stickleback Fish Dish, turquoise blue

Carved from lime, painted turquoise and green with watercolour and finished with waterproof acrylic varnish.
I also make it from other woods such as ash and sycamore.

carved and painted wood
29cm x 14cm

I continue my carved wood ware production alongside my carved fine art work, for which I use the same skills, tools and techniques
Woman with Green hair

Woman with Green hair

string picture
30cm x 30cm

Another string picture, using glued down string for the drawing, covered with aluminium foil and painted with glass paints. Exploring the borderline between the erotic and the pornographic.


A "string" picture. Glass paints on aluminium foil over string. Imagery derived from a well known perfume advert.

Mixed Media Gloss Paint & Metal leaf on Board
48.7cm x 29cm

I am enjoying making pictures with string and aluminium foil because I can create a stained glass effect with the strong colours and create a relief effect with the foil pressed over the string.
Spirit Descending

Spirit Descending

Made with string, aluminium foil, and glass paints. Title echoes a painting by Piero della Francesca.

99cm x 49cm

This piece has evolved from sketches made one evening in a pub in New Milton where I was delivering carving workshops at a children's festival laid on by Forest Bus. I like joining shapes together to make a whole. The title came to me because I was reminded of a painting by Piero della Francesca - "The Baptism of Christ" which can be seen in the National Gallery.
The Winter Gardens Panels

The Winter Gardens Panels

The front panel, number one, with text in carved raised lettering.

The Winter Gardens Panels

The Winter Gardens Panels

View of the third, rear panel that once faced the entrance to Huston's restaurant.

The Winter Gardens Panels

The Winter Gardens Panels

Detail : the text in carved raised lettering. The crack reveals that each panels was made with two boards glued together.

The Winter Gardens Panels

The Winter Gardens Panels

Another detail; showing an astronaut space suit that was part of the restaurant decor.

The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art Trail, Milton Keynes

The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art Trail, Milton Keynes

Situated by the Grand Union Canal, Milton Keynes, The bench structure echoes the curves of Japanese Temple grooves and the relief carvings refer to the common wildlife of the canal including the micro-life present underwater - the larvae, floral algae, the hydra, and amoebae. The Japanese characters read, from right to left,"Welcome, Relax, Contemplate". This is the view of the back of the bench.

2 x 2 x 0.4
I was commissioned to build this Three Post Bench by Great Linford Parish Council, Milton Keynes. It is one of several artworks adorning the recently opened Gyosei Art Trail. The Trail is named after the Gyosei Japanese International School, now demolished, and the developers of the site have provided the funding for the commissioned works.
The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art Trail, Milton Keynes

The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art Trail, Milton Keynes

Another view of it from the canal. The structure reflects the calligraphic gestures of Japanese writing and the relief carved imagery refers to the wildlife associated with the canal, the freshwater fish, insects, larvae, and the micro-life in the water - the floral algae, the hydra and amoebae.

2 x 2 x 0.4
I have enjoyed researching the imagery for this commission. Particularly interesting to me are the structures of the selected insects, their waterborne larvae, and the forms of the floral algae. I am especially indebted to the 1952 First Edition of John Clegg's "The Freshwater Life of the British Isles" for the fascinating illustrations therein.
The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art trail, Milton Keynes

The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art trail, Milton Keynes

A view of the bench looking north up the canal. The canal side is popular with dog walkers and the Red Way behind the bench is a regular cyclist route.

2 x 2 x 0.4
The Three Post Bench, renovated August 2022, Gyosei Art Trai

The Three Post Bench, renovated August 2022, Gyosei Art Trai

completely cleaned and repainted August 2022

200cm x 200cm x 0.4cm
The Three Post Bench, renovated August 2022, Gyosei Art Trai

The Three Post Bench, renovated August 2022, Gyosei Art Trai

The Japanese Kanji text reads, from right to left:
Welcome, Rest, Reflect [or Contemplate]

200cm x 200cm x 0.4cm
The Three Post Bench, renovated August 2022, Gyosei Art Trai

The Three Post Bench, renovated August 2022, Gyosei Art Trai

An edge-on view showing the tadpole on the nearest post.

200cm x 200cm x 40cm
The Swan Pond Dipping Bench

The Swan Pond Dipping Bench

Carved and constructed oak bench. Installed July 2018. Commissioned by the Canal & River Trust. Sited by the Upper Arm of canal at Foxton Locks for use by children on pond-dipping visits to the nature reserve.

132cm x 211cm
I am well practised at combining practical functionality with playful sculptural forms. This bench is designed so that children can prop their pond dipping nets in the storage slots, place their specimen trays on the shelves, and study the carved relief examples of water-life they might find in the canal. I used some of visual reference I had gathered when I made the Three Post Bench on the Gyosei Art Trail by the canal in Milton Keynes, as both benches are sited by water.
The Swan Pond Dipping Bench, Foxton Locks, Market Harborough

The Swan Pond Dipping Bench, Foxton Locks, Market Harborough

another view of the bench with the Upper Arm of the canal behind it. You can see a dipping net in one of the storage slots.

132cm x 211cm
The Holly Tree Dancers, upper detail

The Holly Tree Dancers, upper detail

carved holly tree trunk


second view of carved snail

This was a commission from a friend as a gift to someone passionate about snails. I enjoyed the initial sketching time on this because my model, borrowed from my backyard, proceeded to slide across my table, curiously away from the window light. I had to replace it several times as I drew it from as many angles as I could. I did release it back into the the shady ivy afterwards.
La Fusée de Tin-Tin / Tin-Tin's Moon Rocket

La Fusée de Tin-Tin / Tin-Tin's Moon Rocket

An accurate recreation of Tin-Tin's Moon Rocket made for a Tin-Tin enthusiast. Commissioned by his wife for their fifth wedding anniversary.

50cm x 25cm x 25cm
Five years ago I was commissioned by the same person to make something for her future husband as gift on their wedding day. This was a large recreation of La Fetiche Arumbaya form another Tin-Tin story. Thus five years later I made this recreation of Tin-Tin's Moon Rocket for their fifth wedding anniversary.
La Fusee de Tin-Tin / Tin-Tin's Moon Rocket, before painting

La Fusee de Tin-Tin / Tin-Tin's Moon Rocket, before painting

This photo shows how I have carved away alternate squares, leaving a carved texture which I later augmented with a nail stamp.

50cm x 25cm x 25cm
La Fusée de Tin-TinTin-Tin's Moon Rocket

La Fusée de Tin-TinTin-Tin's Moon Rocket

All the parts are made, ready for final trimming and fitting together. The Antenna is turned from a piece of boxwood I rescued from Woburn Safari Park when I was commissioned to make benches for a new animal enclosure being cleared and prepared there. Several box bushes were being trashed and the valuable wood would otherwise have been burned and lost.

My Sister's Owl, photo 2

My Sister's Owl, photo 2

Roughed out ready for final trim and finish.

The Owl, the Hare and the Spinning Wheel

The Owl, the Hare and the Spinning Wheel

A green burial memorial for a woman who was an enthusiastic spinner of wool, and whose favourite animal was the hare, and the barn owl her favourite bird. Completed in July 2020 but, due to Covid-19 intervening, not installed by her family until October 2021.

40cm x 40cm x 20cm
This is the third memorial I have made for a green burial site and the first three dimensional sculpture. The first two were posts set beside the grave as markers supporting freshly planted trees. This one can can be found at the North Weald Green Burial Ground in Epping Forest.
The Owl, the Hare and the Spinning Wheel

The Owl, the Hare and the Spinning Wheel

A third view of the memorial. Up close with the Owl.

40cm x 40cm x 20cm
The Life Cycle of Butterflies

The Life Cycle of Butterflies

Made with 240 children of Howe Park First School, Milton Keynes. They designed templates for the plywood shapes, carved surface designs on them and painted them all. I then constructed the frames for the 4 phases of the Life Cycle and attached all the shapes to them.

The Varndean Benches

The Varndean Benches

This is one of two benches made with Year 9 students of Varndean School, Brighton, during a four day wood carving residency at the school. Made with old pine construction timber supplied by the Brighton&Hove Wood Recycling Centre. The students learned a lot about carving and worked very hard to achieve results in a very short time. Afterwards, I took all the pieces back to my workshop to complete the carving and assembly work before installation day, 27 July 2009.
This was the first time I had tried out this design, in which I aimed to provide maximum scope for carving combined with simple, robust construction.

The Old Basing Tree of Life

The Old Basing Tree of Life

Another view of the Tree sited in the "Outdoor Classroom" in the school grounds.

210cm x 160cm x 160cm
The Longwick Tree of Life

The Longwick Tree of Life

Made with children of Longwick C of E Combined School, Longwick, near Thame. They designed the templates from which the plywood shapes were made, I cut them out, then the children carved surface designs on the plywood and painted all the shapes. I attached these to the 'tree' which I built in my workshop before installing the sculpture in the school grounds.

210cm x 160cm x 160cm
I spent a week working with children on the designs for the plywood shapes, teaching them all how to use a V tool to carve the incised designs onto their shapes. They also learned how to make the edges smooth with files and sandpaper before applying the waterproof acrylic paint.
The West Kidlington Story Tree

The West Kidlington Story Tree

Another view of the Story Tree

200cm x 130cm x 130cm
My work in schools comes either as direct invitation from the school, or by selection, frequently through Creative Partnerships. I frequently share wood carving experience with the children by using plywood. This is easy to cut out using the card templates the children design. With my guidance, they carve incised surface designs on the plywood shapes which are then primed, painted [by the children, but not always] and varnished. The Tree, which I make in my workshop, is the vehicle that carries the children's own work. It becomes a durable long lasting piece of Public Art. The shapes can be changed around to make different stories.
The Catherine Story Tree

The Catherine Story Tree

The children of Catherine Junior School, Leicester collaborated with the Kibworth Primary School children on this Story Tree Project so they get a Tree as well for their school. This one is on a stand for mobility.

Hedgerow Post

Hedgerow Post

One of three Hedgerow Posts made with Yr 4 children at West Kidlington Primary School, Summer Term 2010, installed 29 November 2010.

180cm x 120cm x 10cm
During the summer I worked with Yr 4 children at West Kidlington Primary School. The Hedgerow Posts were devised as vehicles for their first experience of woodcarving. The children carved relief designs on the poplar, lime and sycamore 'fingers' which I fitted to oak posts with pegged mortice and tenon joints. After a painting session with the children the posts were installed on 29 November 2010.
The Caldecott Story Posts - Odysseus and Cylops

The Caldecott Story Posts - Odysseus and Cylops

The five posts accommodate, on inserted pegs, sets of plywood tablets designed and carved by children at Caldecott Primary School, Abingdon during a Creative Partnership project, January/February 2011. The carving on the posts reflects the story of Odysseus and his men getting shipwrecked, captured by the giant Cylcops and then escaping from the island.

I have carried out several Creative Partnership projects in schools using woodcarving as a vehicle for addressing the project aims and objectives. At Caldecott Primary School the aim was to address the question : "Can transforming the learning space encourage positive risk taking in children and staff?" Working with the story of Odysseus and Cyclops the children gained more confidence in speaking, practised their writing and gained new confidence and ability through using carving tools for the first time. The siting of the Story Posts in the school grounds creates a new outside learning space.
Selection of children's carved plywood tablets

Selection of children's carved plywood tablets

Made by Yr 3/4 children at Caldecott Primary School, Abingdon. Each child made a drawing of a part of the story and cut out a card template which was used to design the shape and surface carving of the plywood tablet. After the carving, they added primer and paint.

30cm x 21cm x 1.2cm
On the Island

On the Island

Another example of the carved story tablets made by Yr 3/4 children on the Odysseus and Cyclops project.

21cm x 30cm x 1.2cm
The GatewaY Snake

The GatewaY Snake

Another view of the Gateway Snake for the"Cage". Caldecott Primary School, Abingdon.

The Broughton Fields Primary School Values Tree

The Broughton Fields Primary School Values Tree

A sculptural tree built to carry the artwork made by pupils of Broughton Fields Primary School in May 2014. The plywood shapes onto which the children carved their designs were derived from templates created by them to depict the twenty two values embedded in the life of the school. The tree is now sited in the Values Garden, a memorial to the Deputy Head who died earlier this year.

155cm x 180cm x 180cm
The Broughton Fields Values Tree

The Broughton Fields Values Tree

The Tree in the new memorial garden

The Broughton Fields Values Tree

The Broughton Fields Values Tree

The tree is sited at Broughton Fields Primary School in its temporary stand in July while awaiting the building of the Values Garden during the summer holidays 2014.

215cm x 180cm x 180cm
The Blackberry Bud seat post, the Kissing Seat

The Blackberry Bud seat post, the Kissing Seat

All carved parts of the seat are painted with acrylic colours and finished with waterproof acrylic varnish.

Tree Silhouette No 2

Tree Silhouette No 2

The second of a series of drawings derived from photographs of trees silhouetted against the setting winter sun,

charcoal, chalk, acrylic paint
40cm x 58cm

Tree Silhouette No 5

Tree Silhouette No 5

Another in the series of drawings made from photographs of silhouettes of winter trees.

charcoal, ink, pastel, acrylic paint
34cm x 48cm

Stepping from the Well

Stepping from the Well

The naked woman is surrounded with decorative architectural elements seen at the Adelaj Step Well, Gujarat. Drawn on yellow Great Art Catalogue packing paper, 7 November 2019.

Charcoal on Paper
57cm x 33cm

As an artist whose medium is carved wood, my drawings are made to indicate how they wood look as relief carvings.
Toppling Fruit Bowl

Toppling Fruit Bowl

With elements derived from a street vendor stall in the hilltop town at Chamapaner-Pava Gadh and the Jami Masjid Mosque in the valley, Gujarat. 27 February 2020.

Charcoal and Crayon
54cm x 46cm

The Certainty of Time and Growth

The Certainty of Time and Growth

I borrowed the girl from a porn site. She had that look of self confident eternal youth. But time moves and we get old.

Charcoal on Paper
50cm x 41cm

Young Woman with Monkeys attending

Young Woman with Monkeys attending

Continuing the theme of female figure enclosed in arched portal.
Charcoal on paper. H50 x W37 cm. 5 April 2020

Charcoal on Paper
50cm x 37cm

The Woman from the Museum

The Woman from the Museum

Drawn from sketches hastily made of small bronze figures in the Kutch Museum, Bhuj, Gujarat. 1 March 2020.

Charcoal on Paper
54cm x 48cm

Flower girl with Wild Rose Roundel

Flower girl with Wild Rose Roundel

Another interpretation of the Modhera Sun Temple yakshini sculptures. The side columns and roundel echo the portal format that is repeated all over the building. Again, drawn as if it is a relief carving.

ink and watercolour on paper
49cm x 36cm

The Venus of Willendorf comes to Gujarat

The Venus of Willendorf comes to Gujarat

The original, tiny object doesn't have much of a face, so I gave her one with a hairdo borrowed from one of the bronze figures seen in the Kutch Museum, Bhuj. Does she show an alternative standard of beauty and desirability?
30 April 2020.

ink, watercolour and acrylics on paper
44cm x 32cm

The Woman who Came to See me from the Museum in Bhuj,1

The Woman who Came to See me from the Museum in Bhuj,1

Inspired by those bronze figurines I sketched in the Kutch Museum in Bhuj, Gujarat.
11 May 2020.

Charcoal on Paper
48cm x 36cm

Elemental Force of Nature No1

Elemental Force of Nature No1

Considering growth, renewal, reproduction as a natural force full of sexual energy.

charcoal, ink, pastel, crayon
49cm x 34cm

£400.00 Framed
Elemental Force of Nature No3

Elemental Force of Nature No3

Celebrating flowers, fruits, female sexuality.

ink, crayon
50cm x 33cm

Elemental Force of Nature No5

Elemental Force of Nature No5

The everlasting fecundity of nature enclosed in the frozen moment.

charcoal, ink, pastel
49cm x 34cm

The Green Rose of Love

The Green Rose of Love

The first drawing exploring the poem by Ezra Pound. What sort of flame should it be? How do I draw the Green Rose? Am I looking for a lost love? Is there a woman involved here?

charcoal, ink, crayon, pastel
48cm x 33cm

The Green Rose of Love, version 3

The Green Rose of Love, version 3

The rose is seen from above fully open, simply shaped like a dog rose with five petals. With another variation of the autumn layout.

charcoal, ink, pastel, crayon
47cm x 33cm

The Green Rose of Love, No5

The Green Rose of Love, No5

Another funerary urn; this one with handles and issuing a triple flame plus the full face green rose and autumnal attributes. The person looking out from the picture looks sad and seems rather prim. What do you think?

charcoal, ink, pastel, crayon
47cm x 33cm

Atargatis, Mermaid Goddess

Atargatis, Mermaid Goddess

I pondered whether to paint it or not. Finally I did! And added the gold as well. The colour is watercolour and a bit of gouache. Carved relief, made of two parts, both carved oak.

I quote: 'The first known stories featuring mermaids come from Assyria and date back to 1000 BC. They tell the tale of the goddess Atargatis who loved a mortal man. Tragically, she accidentally killed her lover and jumped into a lake, taking the form of a fish out of shame for her actions.'

43cm x 39cm x 4cm

My art work divides into several strands: studies of nature, particularly flowers and leaves; explorations of personal myth and fantasy; and statements about contemporary issues, e.g. climate change, war, and refugees.
Girl in a Bottle

Girl in a Bottle

3D carving
painted ash wood

53cm x 21cm x 11cm

The 2D collage this piece started as worked when I inserted a magazine image of a girl's face inside a bottle shaped window. The modelling and carving process has intervened along the away so the arrival is different from where I began and I see a person I know well emerge in the finished piece.
A Sudden Squall

A Sudden Squall

This is translated into carved wood relief from a quick charcoal sketch. I wanted to make it like a child's drawing.

22cm x 31cm x 2.5cm

I made this piece from a very quick charcoal sketch. I wanted to carve it like a kid's drawing.
All Bagged Up

All Bagged Up

relief carved wood assemblage
mainly Quebec Yellow pine

107cm x 67.5cm x 4cm

A relief carved wood assemblage joining together imagery familiar in glossy magazines and in high street shops to create a composite whole alluding to the human form, radiating elegance, sensuality and erotic menace.


Made from a sketch drawn while watching TV news of the First Gulf War, 1992

27cm x 31cm x 5cm

About internal and personal conflicts as well as external world conflicts.
Sheer Rose

Sheer Rose

relief carved wood assemblage
painted lime wood

51cm x 41cm x 18cm

I started with the car door cut-out shape, then cut out the window and played about with images that looked out through it till this happened. The titled is borrowed from an Avon catalogue - thanks for the idea. What else do you do with wing mirrors ?
Look Ten Years Younger

Look Ten Years Younger

wood relief carving
painted limewood

25cm x 46cm x 5cm

This began, as with many of my pieces, with a paste-up of cut-outs from magazines - weekend supplements, women's magazines [ I get them cheap in Milton Keynes market], and the Avon catalogue which comes through my letterbox. It continues my focus on various shapes of cosmetics and perfume bottles and how a relief carving of them transforms them and sets up resonances and allusions on various levels. The title tells the story.
Ka Pants

Ka Pants

carved wood relief
painted sycamore

22cm x 30cm x 5cm

As I wait at the lights what do I notice about the car in front of me? Or, what do I see as I stare through my windscreen as I wait in a carpark? As I looked at the rear end this particular brand of car I couldn't help but see it wearing underpants.
Raining Cars and Vans

Raining Cars and Vans

carved wood relief
painted limewood

35cm x 53cm x 5cm

The woman came from a magazine picture. Something happened when I scattered some of my collection of car & van cutouts around on the paper beside her. What is the piece about? Congestion? Pollution? Or maybe a bit like 'raining cats & dogs' but with motor vehicles!


Relief carved panel. Bus stops in Milton Keynes can be lonely places, especially at night. The nearest human contact as you wait alone can be people in passing cars or the girl in the advert on the end panel of the shelter.
Painted cedar wood.

50cm x 69cm x 3cm

This piece happened after I had made some night-time photographs of Milton Keynes bus stops. They carry advertising on illuminated side panels. Set in the desolate night time Milton Keynes roadscene the lit up picture of a girl dancing in H&M underwear was a bizarre sight and dramatised the loneliness of the location. The title was borrowed from the advert, referring to the unbelievable prices, but it suits perfectly as the bus service in MK is certainly not believably reliable.
Blue Foliate Car

Blue Foliate Car

Carved wood relief assemblage made for my White Wall Exhibition, the centreMk, Milton Keynes, 2007

51cm x 76cm x 5cm

Greening the Wheel Two

Greening the Wheel Two

A big roundel that celebrates the still void from which the nucleus of creation forms with encircling number and geometry resonances explored through flowers and car wheels. This piece follows the first Greening the Wheel.

carved and assembled wood relief
104cm x 104cm

This piece continues a planned series of roundels which juxtapose manufactured and natural shapes and forms based around the circle format with shapes of leaves, flowers and other contrasting objects attached around its perimeter.
Frogs and Roses

Frogs and Roses

This commissioned piece required a design for a relief carving with frogs and roses as main subjects. This needed some study of roses, of all varieties, and research into frogs. After limited internet results and an unsatisfactory visit to the Natural History Museum I was privileged to be shown round the Urban Farm in Wolverton, Milton Keynes, where I was able to photograph several handsome frogs, lurking under planks and logs. I am now quite proficient at carving frogs and roses!

22" x 15" x 1.5"
I do a lot of relief carving using natural forms such as flowers, and birds as visual reference as well as the forms of cars, jet planes and all the material goods of our daily lives.
Haven't I seen You Somewhere?

Haven't I seen You Somewhere?

Composed from photographs of drain and access hatch covers seen on roads plus a car snapped from my driver's side window. The title comes from a question you might ask when you bump into someone in the street. Made from lime, painted with watercolour, finished with acrylic varnish and beeswax polish.

Carved wood relief
107cm x 60cm x 2.5cm

This is what happens when I play with my collection of shapes of things, cars, plants and flowers, make card templates from them and put them together until something clicks.
The Woman from the Museum No1

The Woman from the Museum No1

Carved wood relief using sycamore, utile and lime. Painted with watercolour, finished with acrylic varnish and beeswax polish.Inspired by bronze figurines sketched in the Kutch Museum, Bhuj, Gujarat. Completed January 2024.

Carved wood relief
124cm x 48cm x 5cm

Since my two visits to India in 2019 and 2023 I have been exploring the themes of Goddess, Yakshini Nature Spirit, Elemental Force of Nature, the Feminine aspect of Nature and Creation and learning about the characteristics of Hindu deities. This has resulted in an on-going evolution through many drawings and relief carvings.


One of six Ward Signs for the new Constable Wing, Colchester General Hospital. Carved wood relief with raised lettering. Painted lime wood sealed with fire retardent lacquer.

97cm x 76cm x 2.5cm
The Broughton Village Sign

The Broughton Village Sign

Made for Broughton, Hampshire. Commissioned by the Broughton Traditional Arts Group to celebrate the Millennium.

327cm x 125cm x 109cm
Joinery Assistant: David Woodnutt. Carving Assistant: Mick Waterhouse.
Westbury 2000. Site 2 The Village History Panels

Westbury 2000. Site 2 The Village History Panels

Set of four panels at Site 2 of the Westbury Village History Trail. A Millennium Project supported by Southern Arts. Carved and painted oak.

65cm x 83cm x 4cm
top left panel: the baby born in a caravan at Smith's Fair. top right panel: the Village Cobbler. bottom left : the first village garage bottom right : the first District Nurse, funded in 1906 by wealthy local benefactress, travelled round in a unique old cart pulled by a stubborn donkey.
Panel two of Belles in the Wood

Panel two of Belles in the Wood

The second of two panels depicts the charitable needs met by the rent monies raised from the 'Wilds'. The photograph, taken two years after installation, shows how well the acrylic colour and varnish is withstanding exposure to the weather.

carved wood relief panel
Central detail, The Hook Norton Panels

Central detail, The Hook Norton Panels

On the carved stone font in the local church there are images of the Tree of Life and of Adam and Eve. The keepers of the local shop stand in as the modern Adam and Eve for 1990s Hook Norton. I also appear in the top right of this detail, as the figure standing in front of a brown painted car, my first Vauxhall Astra Estate!

The Buckinghamshire Millennium Clock

The Buckinghamshire Millennium Clock

The Buckinghamshire Millennium Clock was installed in the County Museum, Aylesbury, in 2000. Commissioned by NADFAS, the relief carved artwork consists of eight spiral segments rotating around a large carved clock face, depicting familiar landmarks and objects, quirky local history, tools and craft skills, familiar flora and fauna, and aspects of contemporary life. Carved on lime, painted with watercolour, finished with fire retardant lacquer.

145cm x 213cm x 4cm
I spent several weeks exploring the local history of Buckinghamshire, visiting places all over the county, from Newport Pagnell and Bletchley to Chesham and Marlow, browsing public library local history archives, and picking out quirky details such as the story of the Dinton Hermit, whose much patched shoe is displayed in the Ashmolean Museum. The clock mechanism is supplied by Smiths of Derby. Photographed on 25 June 2015, the artwork has aged well since installation in 2000, maintaining its original colour, and showing some signs of shrinkage.
The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art Trail, Milton Keynes

The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art Trail, Milton Keynes

Another view of it from the canal. The structure reflects the calligraphic gestures of Japanese writing and the relief carved imagery refers to the wildlife associated with the canal, the freshwater fish, insects, larvae, and the micro-life in the water - the floral algae, the hydra and amoebae.

2 x 2 x 0.4
I have enjoyed researching the imagery for this commission. Particularly interesting to me are the structures of the selected insects, their waterborne larvae, and the forms of the floral algae. I am especially indebted to the 1952 First Edition of John Clegg's "The Freshwater Life of the British Isles" for the fascinating illustrations therein.
The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art trail, Milton Keynes

The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art trail, Milton Keynes

A view of the bench looking north up the canal. The canal side is popular with dog walkers and the Red Way behind the bench is a regular cyclist route.

2 x 2 x 0.4
The Swan Pond Dipping Bench

The Swan Pond Dipping Bench

Carved and constructed oak bench. Installed July 2018. Commissioned by the Canal & River Trust. Sited by the Upper Arm of canal at Foxton Locks for use by children on pond-dipping visits to the nature reserve.

132cm x 211cm
I am well practised at combining practical functionality with playful sculptural forms. This bench is designed so that children can prop their pond dipping nets in the storage slots, place their specimen trays on the shelves, and study the carved relief examples of water-life they might find in the canal. I used some of visual reference I had gathered when I made the Three Post Bench on the Gyosei Art Trail by the canal in Milton Keynes, as both benches are sited by water.
The Swan Pond Dipping Bench, Foxton Locks, Market Harborough

The Swan Pond Dipping Bench, Foxton Locks, Market Harborough

another view of the bench with the Upper Arm of the canal behind it. You can see a dipping net in one of the storage slots.

132cm x 211cm


House Sign. Relief carved on pear wood with raised lettering. The chrysalis selected is that of the Convolvulus Hawk-moth. Painted with watercolour and sealed. This piece is an example of a design derived from a customer's specific requirements. Please contact me for your special house sign.

25cm x 38cm x 2.5cm
The client was very specific about the name and required size but left everything else entirely to my discretion. Commissioned as a gift for a friend moving to a house in Portugal.
Thatched Cottage,

Thatched Cottage,

House sign, relief carved on oak with raised lettering. Design based on client's choice of subject matter.
Painted and varnished.

33cm x 50cm x 4cm
The Hare and Cherry Headboard

The Hare and Cherry Headboard

Head board for double bed. Designed to clients's requirements; subject and theme arising out from choice of cherry wood and their liking for hares.

40cm x 182cm x 3cm


One of two carved mantle shelf supports. Made for David Campbell of Quainton, who wished that these carved Mermaid figures should evoke Goddess qualities of a pre-Christian era.

24cm x 15cm x 12cm
The Mermaid Mantle Shelf Supports

The Mermaid Mantle Shelf Supports

In place above David Campbell's fireplace. Completed October 2009

A Special Gift

A Special Gift

Carved wood relief panel. Made from oak, finished with linseed oil. Visual references relate to the client's home, garden and animals of which I made many sketchbook drawings and took many photographs.

34.5cm x 53.5cm
This piece was a commission to mark a special event. In preparing the design for carving I worked closely with the client who suggested ideas, recommended changes and variations until the final drawing was approved.The photocopy of the drawing was then pasted onto the oak panel to enable carving to commence. When working to a client's approved design I stick strictly to the agreed drawing. However, in my own private work the drawing is often the starting point and the design may change and develop as I prepare the wood for carving. Once carving begins, though, alteration is not so easy, so I still have to plan the piece quite thoroughly.


Carved wood relief panel. Commissioned to commemorate a much loved dog. Made from English oak, painted with acrylic colour, finished with exterior acrylic varnish. 2012.

33cm x 53.5cm x 4cm
This piece was made in close consultation with my clients who furnished me with photographs of their dog. I then researched on line for particular pictures of golden retrievers running and leaping to get the image desired. The inclusion of rowan leaves alludes to the dog's name.
My Family at Home

My Family at Home

This was a private commission with a brief that the six members of the family be represented by images of leaves, plants, objects, and a dragonfly. Carved on oak, it is painted with watercolour and acrylics, and finished with acrylic varnish. It is sited outside by the front door of the owner's home.

carved wood relief panel on oak
61cm x 39cm
Commissioned work requires some visual research to get to know the images required; this can mean looking at frogs, tadpoles and roses, or Daleks, Xbox controllers and dragonflies. The next thing is to make the subject matter into a design that works as a piece of art. Finally thought has to be given to where it will be sited, to how much weather it will be exposed to if outside, and painted and finished accordingly. However, some clients don't want the work painted and are happy that it weathers and ages without protection.
Precious Objects

Precious Objects

This is the completed version of Precious Objects with extra embroidered cushions and textile panels. The beadwork on the cushions show the names in Braille of the people who took part in the project.

carved wood, fabric, aluminium foil
Precious Objects

Precious Objects

This shows the back of the piece with added embroidered textile panels. The embroidered applique designs echo things seen in the Northampton Museum handling collection which we were allowed to hold, feel, and touch.

wood, aluminium foil, stitched textiles
The New Picnic Bench, Bourton Park, Buckingham

The New Picnic Bench, Bourton Park, Buckingham

Adapted from a design used by Buckingham Town Council, I have lengthened the table top overlap at one end to enable wheel chair users to tuck themselves more closely under it. Many families and groups of young people helped with the decorative carving. Made from best quality redwood. Installed Autumn 2013.

0.9 x 2 x 1.6
I have shown hundreds of beginners in woodcarving how to get started. Running summer-holiday drop-in sessions for families and young people in a park in Buckingham is one good way to do this, enjoyable for everyone. With my guidance and involvement Bourton Park now has a robust new picnic bench made unique with decorative carvings designed and made by all the people who joined in the work.
This family group helped so much on the Picnic Bench

This family group helped so much on the Picnic Bench

They appeared already to have carving skills in their genes; I showed them what I wanted done and they, even their three children, just did it!

The BAB Totem Poles at Inter-Action, Milton Keynes,

The BAB Totem Poles at Inter-Action, Milton Keynes,

Installed in the garden at Inter-Action Milton Keynes, Waterside, Pear Tree Bridge

The BAB Totem Poles at Inter-Action, a close up detail

The BAB Totem Poles at Inter-Action, a close up detail

While these particular Totem Poles are not for sale, I am open to invitations to make some more on commission.

The New Front Door, 27A Access Artspace, Leicester

The New Front Door, 27A Access Artspace, Leicester

Made September 1993, during my residency at 27A Access Artspace, Leicester, when I shared my woodcarving skills with six people with varying disabilities. Achieved by woodcarving novices in four weeks, the relief panels were carved from lime and painted with watercolour. I contributed two panels myself. The pine door was made in the joinery workshop next door.

27A Access Artspace, in Belvoir Street, Leicester, provided disabled people of Leicester and the surrounding area with an arts workshop run and managed on disabled people's terms. I did encourage the six people I worked with, all woodcarving beginners, to design their pieces based on a collective theme promoting positive images of disability. However, each person created very different, individual designs which nevertheless expressed a surprising unity when assembled into the new door.
The New Front Door : relief panel by Suzanne

The New Front Door : relief panel by Suzanne

Not wishing to dwell on her disablement following a traumatic road accident, Suzanne designed her piece about a pig, her favourite farm animal.

Wild Rose with Bud

Wild Rose with Bud

I believe this is lime. But since I made the piece a while ago and treated it with oil which darkened the wood, and painted it with oil paints I really can't tell for sure any more. However it is another one of the many relief carvings I have made of plants and flowers.

20cm x 10cm



Another version of Periwinkle in flower, made in April 2017. Small carved relief panel on lime wood, painted with watercolour, finished with acrylic varnish and beeswax.

20cm x 10cm



Another small, 8" x 4" x 1" carved relief panel. Painted with watercolour, finished with acrylic varnish and beeswax polish.

20cm x 10cm

Another small carving based on my sketches and photographs of familiar and not so common wild flowers, plants, tree leaves, and shrubs.


Relief carving on lime wood. Painted with watercolour, finished with acrylic varnish and beeswax polish. One of a series of 8" x 4" carved panels of common wildflowers of the British Isles.

20cm x 10cm

Wood Anemone

Wood Anemone

I have simplified the structure of the plant to make a satisfying design to carve. As with all my other flower carvings this one is derived from drawings distilled from my photograph albums.

20cm x 10cm



Another piece finished with tung oil. No paint! So just the natural form of the snow drop plant without its white flower colour so characteristic of February.

20cm x 10cm

My Happy Pony

My Happy Pony

Carved relief on sycamore. My own personal small four legged friend. Painted with watercolour, finished with acrylic varnish and beeswax polish.

20cm x 21cm

Banded Gnat

Banded Gnat

Taken from an illustration in the 1896 edition of The Royal Natural History. Carved on oak, finished with Tung oil and beeswax polish.

carved wood relief
21cm x 15cm

This is the first of a series of small relief carvings of insects. My interest in them began when I was researching visual reference for The Three Post Bench I made for The Gyosei Art Trail on the Grand Union Canal in Milton Keynes, installed July 2016. A very special resource is the 1896 edition of The Royal Natural History which I have inherited from my father and which is illustrated with beautifully observed engravings.
Memorial Cherub

Memorial Cherub

A leftover from a big carved and assembled relief panel, now dismantled, evoking memorials to notable, usually wealthy, local persons, found in English churches. This piece seeks a new home.

31cm x 45cm x 5cm



An out-take from drawings of plant buds made while preparing the design of The Kissing Seat which I built for Redhouse Park, Milton Keynes and installed in February 2022. A small relief carving on oak finished with linseed oil and beeswax polish.

26cm x 19.5cm x 2.5cm

Antennapod  Sculptural Vessel

Antennapod Sculptural Vessel

Carved dish with antenna 'feelers' inserted at the bow end. It is 36cm long, 26cm high and 13cm wide .The vessel is painted sycamore, the yew antennae are varnished to show the natural quality of the wood.

sycamore and yew
26cm x 36cm

One of a series of sculptural vessels with elements alluding to parts of flowers, snails or insects. Every now again I make another piece like this amongst all the other dishes, bowls and relief carved panels I make.
Slim Roach Fish Dish, turquoise&orange

Slim Roach Fish Dish, turquoise&orange

Carved wood dish shaped as a "roach". Made from ash, which is a tough resilient, wood.This is a slim line version. My other Roach design is fatter, wider. Can be a one-off or batch produced. Type and thickness of wood used may vary, as can the colours, and can be ordered to suit. If this one is no longer available as shown, I can, of course make another in the same wood and with the same colours. I usually paint with water colour, and seal with waterproof acrylic varnish.

painted ash
31cm x 14cm

I have produced carved wood dishes, platters, items of domestic wood ware; signage for home, village and town; bed headboards; and carved sculptural furniture, alongside my fine art work since I began my carving business in 1985. I usually colour my work although customers may request a natural finish. I produce this kind of wood ware in various sizes, different colours, and in a variety of woods. Ash, sycamore, and lime are my preferred ones. Customers specify size required and may request other colours than those shown.
Red Spiral Dish

Red Spiral Dish

Based on a Nautilus Sea shell, carved from ash, painted with water colour, sealed with acrylic varnish. This one has a thickness of 3 cm.

carved and painted ash
31cm x 38cm

I have produced carved wood dishes, platters, items of domestic wood ware; signage for home, village and town; bed headboards; and carved sculptural furniture, alongside my fine art work since I began my carving business in 1985. I usually colour my work although customers may request a natural finish. I produce this kind of wood ware in various sizes. Customers may specify size and colours required.
Fruity Jazz Plate in ash

Fruity Jazz Plate in ash

see the text for the sycamore version of this plate

Turned & carved round plate in ash
33cm x 33cm

see the text on the sycamore version of this plate
Medium Leaf Dish

Medium Leaf Dish

Medium sized Leaf Dish, carved from 1" ash, painted orange and turquoise with watercolour, finished with durable acrylic varnish. Available in a choice of other colour combinations, or in a natural oil finish, and can be carved from other woods such as lime, sycamore and oak.

carved & painted ash
15.5cm x 30.5cm

Small Leaf Dish

Small Leaf Dish

Carved from lime 2.5 cm/1 inch thick. Treated with Danish Oil and finished with beeswax polish. I also make these in ash, cedar, poplar, sycamore and basswood.

25.5cm x 12cm

I make these items for sale to craft shops and galleries, and for sale at craft fairs. I use a variety of woods such as lime, birch, sycamore, basswood as well as ash. Ash is particularly good because it displays a prominent grain.
Small Leaf Dish, in yellow and red

Small Leaf Dish, in yellow and red

Carved from cedar 2.5 cm/ 1 inch thick. Painted with watercolour, sealed with waterproof acrylic varnish, and finished with beeswax polish. Also available in lime, ash, sycamore, poplar, and basswood. And in a wide choice of colour combinations

25.5cm x 12cm

Ivy Leaf Dish

Ivy Leaf Dish

Ivy leaf shaped dish carved from ash, painted with watercolour, with acrylic varnish finish.

carved and painted wood
20cm x 29cm

I am always looking for new shapes and forms for my carved wood ware. I have always worked to create objects that combine functionality with decorative quality.
Red Fish Pendant

Red Fish Pendant

small fish shaped pendant made from sycamore wood, painted and sealed, with plaited lace. The design is the same all round.

sycamore wood
14.5cm x 5.25cm

You can wear this round your neck or use it as a talismanic wall decoration. Customers may request particular colouring.
The Glass Bead Necklace

The Glass Bead Necklace

Aluminium foil over string on card painted with glass paints.

30cm x 30cm

Made by laying down aluminium foil over a string drawing on card. I then applied glass paints to the foil surface. My aim is to say something about the erotic attraction and beauty of women through the simple discipline of getting a fluent expressive line with a piece of string.
Hey! My Car!

Hey! My Car!

Derived from an advert in a glossy magazine, the girl is nonchalant, surprised, then incensed that her precious car is flying away in the wind.

29cm x 49cm

Nice Motor

Nice Motor

Made with aluminium foil, string and glass paints on MDF. Wanted to see what the wiggly shape looked like. Imagery comes from car and bottle shapes.

28.5cm x 48.6cm

Another string picture developing my imagery derived from magazine cuttings, pictures of cars, and perfume adverts.
The Winter Gardens Panels

The Winter Gardens Panels

Commissioned by Livingwell Ltd to celebrate the official opening by the Duchess of York of the Milton Keynes Winter Gardens, 30th January 1989.

8 x 2
The Winter Gardens Panels

The Winter Gardens Panels

This shows number one panel at the front, in the light, with the adjacent, number two, panel in the shade on the right.

The Winter Gardens Panels

The Winter Gardens Panels

View of the third panel, in shadow, and the fourth one.

The Winter Gardens Panels

The Winter Gardens Panels

A closer view of panel three, with imagery reflecting activity inside the fitness centre.

The Winter Gardens Panels

The Winter Gardens Panels

Detail of second panel, with imagery depicting people at leisure beneath the banana leaves that abound inside the Winter Gardens.

The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art Trail, Milton Keynes

The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art Trail, Milton Keynes

A view of the bench from the canal bank. The terrace and embankment was built after the bench was installed and will eventually become grass grown.

2 x 2 x 0.4
This commission enabled me to think big. After I had submitted my initial design I began to get a bit more adventurous. Instead of ordering straight sawn timber, why don't I ask Steve at the sawmill to make me some bendy oak planks. He duly obliged by sawing up some bendy logs which he had possibly been waiting some time to find a customer for.
The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art trail, Milton Keynes

The Three Post Bench, Gyosei Art trail, Milton Keynes

View of the bench with narrowboat travelling south down the canal

2 x 2 x 0.4
Public art commissions enable me to make sculptural furniture that is both a functional object as well as a work of art. While the bench is robustly built, I accept that it is the nature of the material it is made of that it weathers, changes, decays.
The Three Post Bench, renovated August 2022, Gyosei Art Trai

The Three Post Bench, renovated August 2022, Gyosei Art Trai

Completely cleaned and repainted August 2022

200cm x 200cm x 0.4cm
The Three Post Bench, renovated August 2022, Gyosei Art Trai

The Three Post Bench, renovated August 2022, Gyosei Art Trai

completely cleaned and repainted

200cm x 200cm x 0.4cm
The Three Post Bench, renovated August 2022, Gyosei Art Trai

The Three Post Bench, renovated August 2022, Gyosei Art Trai

The Japanese Kanji text reads, from right to left: Welcome, Rest, Reflect [or Contemplate]

200cm x 200cm x 40cm
The Three Post Bench, renovated August 2022, Gyosei Art Trai

The Three Post Bench, renovated August 2022, Gyosei Art Trai

As seen from the Grand Union Canal Broadwalk, Bolbeck Park, Milton Keynes

200cm x 200cm x 40cm
The Swan Pond Dipping Bench, Foxton Locks, Market Harborough

The Swan Pond Dipping Bench, Foxton Locks, Market Harborough

Commissioned by The Canal & River Trust, this was designed for children to use during pond-dipping visits to the canal.

132cm x 211cm
I am well practised at combining a playful, sculptural practice with a practical approach to creating functional furniture. The Pond Dipping Bench gave me the opportunity make interesting relief carvings of the micro life of rivers and canals while challenging my woodworking skills to make a robust, enduring piece for this site by the Upper Arm of the canal at Foxton Locks, Leicestershire.
The Holly Tree Dancers

The Holly Tree Dancers

It's a relief carving wrapped around a dead holly tree trunk. Situated in the client's back garden.

190cm x 50cm
This is the first time I have carved a tree trunk. An interesting task I was excited to take on. Nice work in the hot dry weather of Summer 2018. I had a free hand in the choice of imagery so I came out with a design that suited the context and exercised my drawing abilities.


Snail. Body carved from holly, the shell from yew. About 16"/23 cms long. The shell comes off revealing storage recess within. Finished with oil and beeswax polish. Commissioned as a gift.

23cm x 40cm


Here you can see the hollow storage recess in the snail body. The shell fits snugly onto the locating pins.

23cm x 40cm
La Fusée de Tin-Tin /Tin-Tin's Moon Rocket, photo 2

La Fusée de Tin-Tin /Tin-Tin's Moon Rocket, photo 2

Another view of the Rocket

50cm x 25cm x 25cm
La Fusée de Tin-Tin / Tin-Tin's Moon Rocket

La Fusée de Tin-Tin / Tin-Tin's Moon Rocket

Rocket being assembled. Gluing in the fins so they are exactly 120 degrees apart.

My Sister's Owl

My Sister's Owl

I had promised her I would make her an owl for Christmas. She finally received it for her birthday the following August. My proposal to carve her an owl as a gift arose because I had been teaching one of my woodcarving students how to carve an owl by making one myself while I showed him how to carve his. Tutor's example then became sister's birthday present. The wood used is joiner's quality redwood.

My Sister's Owl, photo 3

My Sister's Owl, photo 3

The final finish was achieved after I suddenly had the idea to scorch the wood then I cut a carved texture through the scorching. Inspired solution.

Grave Marker

Grave Marker

Commissioned as a Grave Marker for use at a Green Burial Ground

carved oak
110cm x 10cm x 10cm
I have extended my use of lettering and relief carving into memorial panels and grave markers for green burial grounds. These are designed to clients' requirements and are usually finished with linseed oil or Scandinavian Oil. The lettering and carved details can be painted a suitable colour to contrast with the natural wood, but if unpainted should be carved robustly enough to remain clearly visible as the post weathers.
The Owl, the Hare and the Spinning Wheel

The Owl, the Hare and the Spinning Wheel

This is the spinning wheel side. Dispensing with all the other components of the machine allowed me to create the space for the two inscriptions while making clear the allusion to Mary's enthusiasm for spinning.

40cm x 40cm x 20cm
I am open to further commissions of this kind. You have to accept that memorials like this will be exposed to the weather and subject to ageing and decay.
The Gateway to Our Magic Garden

The Gateway to Our Magic Garden

Timber framed gateway carrying cut-out plywood shapes designed and made by 125 children at Brooksward School, Neath Hill, Milton Keynes.
Installed May 2010

200cm x 350cm x 95cm
The Sacred Heart Wall Frieze

The Sacred Heart Wall Frieze

Made with Year 2 children at Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Luton.
The children made drawings of items and subjects they wanted to include, made card templates, carved designs on the resulting plywood shapes, and planned the colour scheme for all the shapes. I then assembled the shapes onto supporting frameworks and fitted them all to the front wall of the school.

The Varndean Benches

The Varndean Benches

The second of two benches made with Year 9 Students at Varndean School, Brighton. Installed 27 July 2009.
Similar work can be commissioned from me in oak or pine.

The Old basing Tree of Life

The Old basing Tree of Life

I made this with 160 children of Old Basing Infants School, Basingstoke. The children designed the templates from which the plywood shapes were made. Then, after I cut them out, the children carved incised designs onto them with They then had a go at smoothing the edges with files and sanding them with abrasive paper to prepare them for painting. The 'tree' was built from oak and assembled and installed on site after construction in my workshop.

210cm x 160cm x 160cm
The West Kidlington Story Tree

The West Kidlington Story Tree

Installed 20/9/2010
The product of a Creative Partnership project with children at West Kidlington Primary School, Kidlington, Oxon. I built the "Tree" to carry the plywood shapes which were designed, carved, and painted [mostly] by the children. The aim of the project was to stimulate the children's speaking and writing abilities. The shapes can be changed around to tell a different story.

200cm x 130cm x 130cm
My work in schools comes either as direct invitation from the school, or by selection, frequently through Creative Partnerships. I frequently share wood carving experience with the children by using plywood. This is easy to cut out using the card templates the children design. With my guidance, they carve incised surface designs on the plywood shapes which are then primed, painted [by the children, but not always] and varnished. The Tree, which I make in my workshop, is the vehicle that carries the children's own work. It becomes a durable long lasting piece of Public Art. The shapes can be changed around to make different stories.
The West Kidlington Story Tree

The West Kidlington Story Tree

A view of the Story Tree as seen by a small child

200cm x 130cm x 130cm
The Kibworth Story Tree

The Kibworth Story Tree

Made with children at Kibworth CE Primary School, Kibworth, Leicestershire June 2010. The shapes fit in the slots on the 'Tree' branches and can be easily changed around to create different stories.

Using the themes of "Heroes" and "Endangered Species" the card templates were designed by the children. I used these to cut out the shapes in plywood at my workshop. Back at the school the children carved incised designs on the plywood surfaces, then filed and sanded smooth the edges. The shape painting and tree construction was carried out in my workshop August - October 2010. The tree was installed in the playground on a wet Tuesday, 26 October 2010.
The Caldecott Story Posts - Odysseus and Cyclops

The Caldecott Story Posts - Odysseus and Cyclops

This photo shows the added carved plywood story tablets made by the children.



"Cyclops" : post number three of the Five Story Posts, Caldecott Primary School, Abingdon. A Creative Partnership Project

I love the act of carving by hand and using old, wind blown oak logs that I have dragged from woodland, the satisfaction of working with something ancient and making from it something lasting and durable.
Storm and Shipwreck

Storm and Shipwreck

Example of carved story table made by Yr 3/4 children for the Odysseus and Cyclops story post project

21cm x 30cm x 1.2cm
Plywood, a manufactured material, works well with this kind of children's project. While sometimes the plywood tears and splinters, which is important to learn about anyway, it allows for the cutting out of various irregular shapes without the problem of splitting and short grain which you get if real natural wood is used.
The Gateway Snake

The Gateway Snake

The vehicle for all the cut-out plywood shapes designed, carved and painted by Yr 5/6 children at Caldecott Primary School, Abingdon.

This was the outcome of a Creative Partnership art project at Caldecott Primary School, Abingdon, delivered in January/ February 2011. Choosing the theme, Endangered Species, the Yr 5/6 children designed the card templates of their chosen ideas which were used for carving the surface design on the cut-out plywood shapes. To complete, the shapes were painted with acrylic colours and varnished with waterproof acrylic varnish
The Gateway Snake

The Gateway Snake

Detail showing some of the shapes in close-up.

The Broughton Fields Values Tree

The Broughton Fields Values Tree

another view of the Tree in the Values Garden

The Broughton Fields Values Tree

The Broughton Fields Values Tree

Final shot of the Tree in the Garden

This is the product of the latest of a number of projects I have carried out with school children. In order to achieve durable results and give children a first taste of woodcarving in a manageable form I use plywood as the material. The children design the card templates, then I use these to transfer the shape to plywood, whereupon I cut out the shapes with bandsaw and jigsaw. Back at school, the children experience several making processes: they apply a carved surface design with mallet and V tool, make smooth all edges and surfaces with file and abrasive paper, and finally paint the piece. When complete I take all the pieces back to my workshop and build the tree. Due to changing circumstances at school I displayed the tree in a temporary base until the tree was installed when the memorial garden was built during the summer holidays. We did not anticipate that the deputy head would die when the project was planned in February.
The Kissing Seat, seen from the

The Kissing Seat, seen from the "Hedgehog" side

Carved and constructed seat for two persons on each side.

1.4 x 2.6 x 1.5
The Kissing Seat, detail from the

The Kissing Seat, detail from the "Woodmouse" side.

The evening sun is falling across the "Primrose" relief carved vignette.

Tree Silhouette No 1

Tree Silhouette No 1

Derived from B&W photograph of tree silhouetted against setting winter sun.

charcoal, ink, pastel, wax crayon
36cm x 57cm

I made this series of Tree Silhouette drawings from photographs I took during the winter while cycling around nearby country lanes looking for trees silhouetted against the low winter sun. I then edited the photographs into B&W to accentuate the contrast of light and dark. In the drawing I distanced the identity of "tree" further by bringing forward just the shapes and pattern of figure and ground.
Tree Silhouette No 3

Tree Silhouette No 3

tree silhouette abstracted into shape and ground, light and dark; to lose the identity of "tree" and let something else grow from it.

carcoal, pastel
40cm x 58cm

Tree Silhouette No 6

Tree Silhouette No 6

Abstracted drawing derived from photograph of a tree silhouetted against the setting winter sun.

charcoal, ink, pastel, crayon, acrylic paint
42cm x 60cm
